alot of people are passing through alot of problems and tribulations but the sad thing thing is that, some have resolved into killing themselves so as to solve these earthly problems and they seems to have forgotten that, after this earth their is a place called Heaven and Hell. This is the case of the University Of Nigeria student that died yesterday.
According to report from several blogs on Facebook, the boy whose name was identified as Daniel is a 300 level student from the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsuka. According to the report I got, Daniel died yesterday night and this came after he jumped from a two storey building but before then, he have tried killing himself after he drank an harmful substance known as Hypo mixed with hair relaxer but that didn't kill so her decided to jump to his death.
Well, if you are wondering why he killed himself, I'll tell you for free. With the news we received from our source, Daniel was caught cheating with his phone during an examination of which the invigilator asked him to start all over again with just a minute to the end of the exam but he couldn't meet up. It was after the examination that he decided to take his life because the outcome of the exam is bound to be failure.
After the news of his death broke out, a lot of people have given their opinion about it of which some sympathized with his family while some said a lot of berating words on him. But in the actual sense, why would he even commit suicide over an exam he can still write in the future and the fact that, failure isn't the end of the world should even ginger him but it's a sad news that he wasn't patient enough.